Waterproof lighting

Water and electricity don't mix well. However, lighting was needed for the amphibious vehicles of Amphicruiser so that they could travel safely and well-lit both on land and in the water. Therefore, Amphicruiser, together with TRALERT®, sought a solution in the form of waterproof lighting.

About the Company

Amphicruiser is a specialized manufacturer of amphibious vehicles, known for their unique designs and technologies. They create rugged and high-quality vehicles for adventurers and professionals. With powerful engines and custom pontoons, their vehicles can seamlessly transition between land and water. Amphicruiser aims for excellent performance and comfort, enabling customers to explore new possibilities in various applications..


About the project


The amphibious vehicles of Amphicruiser need to be equipped with lighting. Since water and electricity do not mix, a solution needs to be found in the form of waterproof lighting. Therefore, the request was made to TRALERT® to provide the Amphicruisers with waterproof LED lighting.


The goal was to provide the Amphicruisers with elegant, waterproof lighting that is fully certified, so that the Amphicruisers can travel safely and stylishly on both land and water.


TRALERT® has been able to equip the customized Toyota vehicles with the waterproof taillights from its own range. These square taillights are fully certified, making them perfect for use.

"The selected lighting perfectly aligns with our preferences, allowing the Amphicruisers to navigate with worry-free and effective illumination on the road (or off-road)!" - Amphicruiser


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Safely and stylishly on (or off) the road.


Worked out to the smallest detail.


LED lighting specifically for your vehicle.

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