What does a 7-pin S plug do?

More and more vehicles can be found on the public roads every day. It is getting busier and busier because of all the cars, but also because of the lorries and trailers. For traffic safety, it is extremely important that all vehicles are well lit. Trucks are fitted with working lights as standard, but trailers are not. These have to be connected to the lorry so that an electrical connection can be made. This connection is established by means of a 7-pin S and 7-polige N plug. These plugs are specially made for the truck and trailer sector and do not fit other vehicles such as trailers. There, the normal 7-polige stekkers are being used.

Different ways of connecting

As mentioned earlier, an electrical connection must be established between a truck and trailer. In this way, the trailer will receive electricity which will enable the lighting to be operated. This can be achieved in two different ways. Firstly, the 7-pin S and 7-pin N plugs can be used. These must be connected both to the truck and to the trailer. If only one plug is used, not all the lighting will be powered. As a second method of connection, you can use a 15-polige stekker (ISO 12098). Op deze manier zijn er geen twee kabels nodig, net als de 7-polige stekkers, maar gaat het via 1 aansluiting.

Verschil 7-polig S en 7-polig N aansluiting

Een 7-polige N en S stekker voorzien een trailer beide van elektriciteit voor de verlichting. Het doel van de stekkers is hetzelfde, de verbinding tussen vrachtwagen en trailer maken, maar de uitkomst is anders. De stekkers voorzien namelijk beide de helft van de totale verlichting op de trailer. Samen zorgen zij er dus voor dat alle verlichting werkt. Om een duidelijk beeld te creëren is onderstaande schema gecreëerd. Zo is goed te zien welke stekker, voor welke verlichting zorgt.

7-polig N 

  1. Mass
  2. Rear, contour, width and license plate light left
  3. Indicator left side
  4. Brake lights
  5. Indicator right side
  6. Rear, contour, width and license plate light right
  7. Checking the trailer brake

7-polig S

  1. Mass
  2. Not allocated
  3. Reversing light
  4. Constant power supply (+24V)
  5. Control for mass
  6. Power switch
  7. Rear fog lamp