What is ADR certification?

ADR certification is required if you transport hazardous substances within Europe. ADR stands for 'Accord européen relatif au transport international des marchandises Dangereuses par Route'. This is French for a European agreement with regard to the international transport of dangerous goods by road. In addition to various people having to obtain an ADR certificate, other components also have to meet requirements. For example, the lighting must also have the correct ADR certification. TRALERT® has a wide range of ADR LED werklampen.

How to obtain an ADR certificate?

Everyone involved in the transport of dangerous goods must have obtained an ADR certificate. So, for example, this does not only apply to the drivers of the vehicles transporting it. It also applies to employers and managers. You can obtain the certificate by following a course. The employer must also have the right certificates since he is, of course, ultimately responsible. So make sure you have the right papers.

What is covered by hazardous substances?

Of course, it is important to know what exactly is considered a hazardous substance. Otherwise you will not know when the ADR certification applies. In total there are nine groups into which hazardous substances are divided:

  1. Explosive substances or objects
  2. Gases
  3. Flammable liquids
  4. Flammable solids
  5. Oxidising substances
  6. Toxic and infectious substances
  7. Radioactive substances
  8. Corrosive substances
  9. Various hazardous substances

The nine groups for ADR certification are completed by certain letters. It may happen that certain products fall into more than one group. In those cases, the product is also given several letters. The additions are:

  • A fot asphyxiant
  • C for corrosive
  • F for flammable
  • O for oxidizing
  • S for self-ignition
  • T for toxic
  • W for water

The extent to which the product is dangerous is also indicated. Roman numerals are used to make this clear. The numbers one, two and three (in Roman I, II and III) indicate the danger. The number one is very dangerous, the number three is less dangerous.