What is Diffused Beam?

A diffused beam, or diffused light beam, refers to a lighting technique in which luminous intensity gelijkmatig wordt verspreid over een groot gebied zonder scherpe schaduwen of intense light beamsThe purpose of diffused beam lighting is to create a soft, diffuse, and even illumination that minimizes sharp contrasts and provides a comfortable environment.

Where do you find diffused beams on your vehicle?

Diffused beams are found in multiple locations in and around the vehicle to improve visibility, safety, and potentially aesthetics. Diffused beams are primarily used in the low-beam headlights, fog lights, taillights, and brake lights.


For headlights, diffused beam is often used for LowbeamsDiffused beam low beams distribute light evenly across the road, providing the driver with a broader field of vision without blinding other drivers.

fog lights

Diffused beam is also used in fog lightsThe even spread of light helps reduce reflection from fog, rain, or snow, allowing the driver to have better visibility of the road and obstacles.


at Reverse lights diffused beams are used to safely alert other road users at a distance to the presence of the vehicle. The even distribution of light minimizes sharp beams that could potentially blind other drivers.

brake lights

Diffused beam is also used in brake lights to provide clear and quick signaling when a vehicle is braking. This allows following drivers enough time to react without being blinded.