What is IP Rating?

IP-normering, ook bekend als Ingress Protection Rating, is een norm die de mate van bescherming van een elektrisch apparaat tegen verschillende omgevingsfactoren definieert. Denk aan stof, vocht en vloeistoffen. De classificatie wordt uitgedrukt in twee getallen, bijvoorbeeld IP67.

The first number represents the degree of protection against solid matter such as dust, with numbers ranging from 0 to 6, with 6 offering the highest level of protection.

The second figure represents the degree of protection against liquids, with numbers from 0 to 9, where 9 provides the highest level of protection.

Verlichting met IP67-classificatie zoals deze LED hamburgerlamp for example, is protected against dust that could damage the device. It is also protected from immersion in water up to a depth of 1 meters for up to 30 minutes.

It is important to note that the IP classification system is only relevant to electrical devices. It is also important to check the classification of a device before purchasing it. This ensures that it meets your environmental protection requirements.

What is the difference between each IP rating?

The specific level of protection provided by each IP classification is defined as follows:

First digit (protection against solid materials):


Second number (protection against liquids):


For example, an IP67 rated device provides the highest level of protection against solid objects (dust-proof) and protection against immersion in water up to a depth of 1 meters for up to 30 minutes. An IP65 rated device provides protection against low-pressure water jets from all directions and limited protection against dust. That's how all LED interior lighting From TRALERT® a minimum IP65 class.

Which IP rating is suitable for outdoor use?

The correct IP rating for outdoor use depends on the specific environmental conditions to which the device will be exposed. In general, an IP65 rating or higher is recommended for outdoor use. This is because it provides protection against low-pressure water jets from all directions and limited protection against dust. An IP67 rating provides even higher protection against both dust and water. This makes it suitable for outdoor use in harsh conditions such as heavy rain or near water. For example, if the device is used near a swimming pool or in a marine environment, a may IP68-classificatie, which offers protection against continuous immersion in water, are necessary.

It is also important to note that the IP classification system is only relevant to electrical devices. It does not protect against mechanical or other environmental factors, such as wind or temperature. So it is always best to consider all environmental factors when selecting an outdoor device.