The peak voltage in eg werklamp verlichting refers to the maximum voltage measured during one complete cycle of alternating current. This peak voltage value determines the intensity and brightness of the light produced by a lighting fixture.

How do you recognise peak voltage?

High peak voltages result in brighter light, while lower peak voltages result in dimmer lighting. In most cases, the peak voltage values are kept within a certain range for safety and efficiency reasons. Surge voltage is a sudden increase in voltage that can damage electronic components. It can be caused by a number of things, including faults in the electrical system, operating conditions outside the normal range, or even faulty wiring.

What happens if high voltage does occur inside your lamp?

When the peak voltage occurs, it can damage or destroy sensitive electronic components such as LEDs. That is why it is important to install a voltage regulator if you have LEDs in your headlights or use lamps that can withstand this. In general, peak voltage is a crucial aspect to consider in lighting. Proper management and control of peak voltage can ensure the safety and efficiency of your lighting system.

If your car's lights have ever dimmed or even gone out while you were driving, it's likely due to surge voltage buildup. While this may not seem like a big deal, surge voltage can damage the LEDs in your car's bulbs, causing them to burn out prematurely. In this blog post we explain what surge voltage is and how it can damage your LEDs. We also provide some tips to prevent peak voltage from damaging your lamps.

How do you prevent peak voltage from damaging your vehicle's lighting?

Who prevents Sie, dass Spannungsspitzen that damage Beleuchtung Ihres Fahrzeugs?

  • Use a surge protector: A surge protector helps protect your LEDs from high voltage surges by absorbing and safely dissipating the energy from the surge
  • Replace damaged components: If any of the components in your vehicle's lighting system are damaged, they should be replaced as soon as possible. Damaged components can cause high voltage spikes that can damage your LEDs
  • Vervang beschadigde onderdelen: Als een van de componenten in het verlichtingssysteem van uw voertuig beschadigd is, moeten deze zo snel mogelijk worden vervangen. Beschadigde onderdelen kunnen hoogspanningspieken veroorzaken die uw LED’s kunnen beschadigen

Surge voltage can be dangerous to the long-term health of your vehicle's LEDs. By taking some simple precautions, you can help prevent peak voltage from damaging your lights. If you suspect your car's lights have been damaged by high voltage? Then make sure you get them checked by a professional as soon as possible.